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Cairn Ban Mountaineering Club (CBMC) was formed as a winter mountaineering club, but over the years Club has expanded into summer hillwalking, climbing (winter and summer, indoors and outdoors) and other mountain activities,  such as Munro bagging (and Corbetts, and Grahams, and bothies...!). Our members have a wide range of interests, skills and abilities, and are active throughout the year. Some, due to family and other commitments, venture out only a few times each year, while others get out on the hills nearly every weekend (and on days in between!).

We are a small club of about 30 members. We like it that way because it's easy to get to know everyone, but we are always happy to welcome new people into the club. You can meet some of our members here.

Strathfarrar, June 2014

Fair-weather walking


Most look forward to bright spring days, warm and sunny summer days, clear autumn days… Any time when there’s no snow on the ground counts as ‘fair weather’… except that it’s usually blowing a gale, or pouring with rain, or clouds so low that they touch the tree-tops… and that’s never minding the midges!

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Glenshee, January 2019

Winter conditions


Some yearn for winter, when snow on the ground adds that extra something... time to dust off that ice-axe and dig out those crampons! Any time between October and April can see snow on the ground, and it’s always useful to be prepared. If you are unsure about your abilities or think you might need new equipment, our members can help.

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Rjukan, Norway, February 2020


Climbing outdoors both summer and winter, on rock, snow and ice, or sometimes indoors if the weather is too bad..

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Relaxing and socialising

CBMC is about the people as well as the hills, and we like to relax and socialise especially after a day on the hill. A pint in the pub, the craich in the bothy or hostel, the annual Christmas dinner - these are all an important part of what we do.

Anyone for a beer?

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Everest marathon

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Other activities


Skiing, mountain biking, rowing, road cycling, kayaking, running are just some of the other activities members take part in. 

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There are some budding amateur photographers among us, and the various club activivites have been well documented by pictures and videos.

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Steall Bridge at night in the rain

March 2019

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