Committee 2021-22
Campbell Crombie
One of the Club's earliest members and a veteran of some 40 years of walking the Scottish hills, Campbell finally compleated the Munros in the unlikely setting of Ben Lomond. 'I never got round to climbing Ben Lomond because I always seemed to by-pass it by driving straight up the west side of Loch Lomond' he explained, 'so eventually it seemed like a good one to leave for my last one!'.
Diane Langley
A Munroist and a keen climber, Diane recently acquired a van and kitted it out so that she could spend solo time out in the hills. Unfortunately a recurring knee injury means that the van isn't used as much as she originally planned. Cut down on the gigging, clubbing and dancing Diane, and maybe the knee will have a chance to get better!!
Catherine Bloomfield
Catherine spends a lot of time in the hills, by herself or with her family (as well as with the Club, of course), and abroad too, to Spain, Morocco, Poland...anywhere where there are good hills to climb. She's a dab hand with a camera too, often capturing and posting posting stunning images of exotic locations, as well as pictures of 'normal' Scottish conditions of wind, rain and snow!
Jamie Wright
Jamie is a relative newcomer to CBMC. What he lacks in experience, he makes up for it in enthusiasm: anything going, he's up for it! Anyone going to the hills tomorrow? 'I'll go for it!'. Anyone climbing next week? 'I'll go for it!'. And if no-one is going anywhere, he's just as likely to grab a friend and go for it himself. No wonder he's a gopher!!
Davy Gray
If you want to know anything about the Scottish hills, just as Davy. He spends every weekend out there somewhere, and he's climbed all the Munros (twice over), Corbetts and Grahams, and is now looking to bag all the bothies too! He doesn't bother with trips abroad, because there's plenty to occupy him in Scotland.
Some of our other members
Stuart and Sheena McKie
The dynamic 'go anywhere (within reason)' partnership - because it's there: Ben Lomond...? Why not! Frying bacon and eggs for breakfast on Easter Sunday in the Cairngorms...? Why not! Outer Mongolia...? Why not! Munroists and winners of the Club photo competition in 2017 and 2018.
Alex Haken
The Club's winter specialist: if it's cold, that's good; if it's snowy, even better; if it's icy, 'bring it on!', and if it's vertical as well, Alex is in heaven!!! But Alex likes to share his knowledge too, and has taken beginners on snow-holing weekends, ice-climbing expeditions and climbing the Atlas Mountains in Morocco as well.